Friday 27 June 2008

Fire Witch

Fire Witch   
Artist: Fire Witch



Live At The Townie 2004   
 Live At The Townie 2004

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 6



Monday 23 June 2008

Karen FitzGerald

Karen FitzGerald   
Artist: Karen FitzGerald

New Age


Heart of the Rain   
 Heart of the Rain

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 9

Composer and piano player Karen FitzGerald was born in Wilmington, DE. She grew up in a home filled with the beautiful musical harmony of classic medicine. Her mother, a skilled pianist, provided the euphony. A selfsame loretta Young FitzGerald was greatly influenced by her mother's talents. At the age of five, Karen FitzGerald began pianissimo lessons and continued with them for all over a decade. She also studied music theory and opus at the Wilmington Music School, complementary her courses with honors.

Afterward all of that musical training, FitzGerald did a 90-degree turn and became a information processing system programmer. She still kept her music close though, performing now and then at coffeehouses, festivals, concert halls, and regular museums and galleries. In 1987 she released her kickoff recordings, placing them on a cassette called Turquoise Flame. Nine days later she last put her electronic computer computer programing profession aside, so she could reduce all of her dOE on a musical career.

In 1999, FitzGerald finished recording her first gear album, Heart of the Rain. Some of the contemporaneous instrumental tracks on this pleasurable debut are "Summer Rain," "Emergence," "A Rainy Night Outside Your Door," "Memory," and "The Wind's Lament." FitzGerald's music is a relaxing oblation of modern solo pianissimo numbers pool, sometimes highlighted with synthesiser enrichments.

Monday 16 June 2008

Gram Rabbit

Gram Rabbit   
Artist: Gram Rabbit



Music to Start a Cult To   
 Music to Start a Cult To

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 2

Disco-pop, off-kilter area, and psychedelic rock candy rule an case home in the music of a Gram Rabbit, a female-led quartet from the deserts of Southern California. Led by Jesika von Rabbit, the chemical group was formed in 2003 by the prospect meeting of Rabbit and Todd Rutherford. Travis Cline joined the batting order to care bass and digital sampling duties, and Gram Rabbit signed with Stinky Records earlier issue their eclectic debut, Music to Start a Cult To. They switched to a four-piece lineup for 2006's Refinement and well-kept those numbers for RadioAngel and the RobotBeat, released the following year on Reincarante Records.


Friday 6 June 2008

Nas unveils controversial album cover

For a while, it looked like Nas's forthcoming album was set to join the list of records you really wouldn't fancy asking the grey-haired assistant at Asda if they had in stock (these include Peter Br�tzmann's Nipples, Spinal Tap's Smell the Glove and, er, pretty much anything by Accidental Goat Sodomy). But even though Nasir Jones bowed under pressure and denied us the chance of seeing this stacked alongside the latest Girls Aloud Best of, he's hardly running scared. Which is why the unveiling of the artwork to what is now called simply Nas has caused bloggers like Perez Hilton to comment insightfully on this hard-hitting socio-political message in the following terms: "Wow".

Jones himself says that while the name may have changed, the cover of the upcoming album "says Nigger real loud". It's about as subtle as Richey Manic carving 4 Real into his arm, right? While some artists give away vinyl as magazine cover mounts and others release albums without telling anyone, it's reassuring to know that guerrilla marketing campaigns are no match for a bit of shock and awe.

In fact, Nas seems to be following the example of the Chapman Brothers - whose drawings of daisy chains and smiley faces over Adolf Hitler's paintings are currently on display - than to the founder of his label, Def Jam. Russell Simmons, who launched the label back in 1984, caused a stir last year when he criticised the genre that made him rich, claiming that many traditional hip-hop terms were sexist and/or racist and should be censored. He may not be spinning forthcoming Nas tracks like The Fear (of the Black Mans Dick), Be a Nigger Too, Y'All My Niggers, N.I.G.G.E.R and America's Top Brothel any time soon.

The title is now entirely innocent, making it considerably less difficult when inquiring if it is in stock. All of which means it will make the white folk question four centuries of racial oppression while ensuring that Nas flies off those Wal-Mart shelves slightly quicker. We said "slightly".

See Also

Thursday 5 June 2008

Anna Netrebko and Rolando Villazon

Anna Netrebko and Rolando Villazon   
Artist: Anna Netrebko and Rolando Villazon



Arien Und Duette Aus Violetta   
 Arien Und Duette Aus Violetta

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 25


Michael Jackson cancels TV live comeback

Michael Jackson has pulled out of a TV live comeback, citing stage fright.

The singer had been scheduled to sing live on the finale of the 'Amercian Idol' TV series on May 21, in front of an audience of around 27 million viewers.

However, The Sun reports that 24 hours before the show Jackson pulled out of the show, saying, "I can't do it. Everyone will hate me."

The newspaper also reports that Simon Fuller, the music mogul who previously managed The Spice Girls, is assisting Jackson with his comeback.

Artist protests with child nudes exhibition

A Melbourne artist will exhibit a series of nude photographs of 11-year-old children to protest against the recent censorship of the work of photographer Bill Henson.

Mika is eager to win a Brit Award

Pop singer Mika has said that he would love to win a Brit Award at tonight's ceremony.
Speaking to The Sun, he said: "Quite frankly I'd love to win one. I'd like to get British Male but the competition is fierce."
The singer, who faces competition from Take That in the categories of Best Album and Best Single, said: "Take That are a British institution now."
Mika also said that he would love to see his friends in Muse picking up an award.
"I really hope that they win because they really deserve it," he said.

Oneal To Go To Rehab

LATEST: Oscar-winning actress TATUM O'NEAL is set to enter rehab - after turning down a judge's recommendation she attend drug counseling.

The former child star - who chronicled her recovery from a heroin addiction in her 2004 book A Paper Life - was arrested by police on Sunday (01Jun08) night, after she was spotted by a narcotics team exchanging money with a man three blocks from her home in the Big Apple.

According to the New York Daily News, the actress "laughed and chatted" her way through her arraignment at Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday (02Jun08) - just hours after she tried to plead her way out of her arrest.

O'Neal's lawyer refused Criminal Court Judge Felicia A. Mennin's offer for the 44-year-old actress to sit through two days of drug counseling in favour of finding a rehab programme suitable for the star.

A law enforcement source says, "She's going to go to her own, high-priced, out-of-the-spotlight rehab to get clean - again."

The daughter of screen star Ryan O'Neal - who, at age 10, was the youngest person ever to win an Oscar - entered no plea and was released on her own recognisance.

She is next due in court on 28 July (08).

See Also

Sex And The City - Fascinating Fact 5350

SEX AND THE CITY's acclaimed fashion stylist PATRICIA FIELD has signed up to launch a one-off clothing range for U.K. department store Marks And Spencers. The collection will be available in the high-street store in the U.K. and abroad from October 2009.

See Also

Richard relieved to quit EastEnders

Actress Wendy Richard has revealed that she left 'EastEnders' because she was feeling stressed out over her storylines and was tired of the heavy filming schedules.
According to the Mirror, the 64-year-old actress, who played Pauline Fowler in the show, also said that she doesn't watch the soap anymore.
Richard said: "I consider 'EastEnders' to be in the past, finished. I stopped watching it before I left."
"'EastEnders' is a great big machine. You can't stop it and it is so hard to get off. I was really struggling to cope. The pressure was always on me."
Richard also said that she feels more relaxed since quitting the show, saying: "I feel better in myself. I have no stress any more."
"It's quite a release. Life is more relaxed. My shoulders were tight all the time before," she said.
Referring to her friends at 'EastEnders', she said: "I don't feel like I've lost my family. We meet up when we can."

Aashid Himons

Aashid Himons   
Artist: Aashid Himons

Electronic: Progressive


The Metaphysician   
 The Metaphysician

Tracks: 4

Aashid Himons, ordinarily referred to as just "Aashid," has been a part of Nashville's non-country music scene for near a quarter-century. A big adult male with leonine dreadlocks and a prominent artistic front, the African-American musical prodigy has asserted an unbelievable influence on Nashville musicians, working with some of the region's best and brightest talents along the way.Innate in 1942 in rural West Virginia as Archie Himons, he began playing the pianissimo at the age of three, soon telling and performing in christian church. By the meter he was five eld of age he had taught himself the drums and afterwards appeared on various wireless and telly shows, including The Today Show with Dave Garroway. He left field home at 13, hitchhiking to New York City and later joining the regular army at the age of 17. After a brief and routine tour of tariff, Aashid settled into the Washington, D.C., music scene, forming the R&B group Little Archie & the Majestics. A phone number of bands and one-off single deals with fly-by-night indie labels would follow before Little Archie signed a plow with Nashville fable Buddy Killen's Dial label in 1962. The late '60s base Aashid winding the country as a blues musician, playing coffeehouses and street corners. He landed in Toronto in 1969, forming a transient duet with actor/musician Jim Byrnes, and later travelled to Mexico City, where he played with a blues band. It was in Honduras in 1972 that Aashid witnessed a performance by Count Ossie & the Mystical Revelation of Rastafari that would perpetually change the steering of his music. Returning to Pittsburgh, Aashid would make the style of music that he called "blu-reggae," a hybrid of res publica blues, R&B, and reggae that was informed by Count Ossie's nyahbinghi rhythms and Rastafari philosophy.Performing blues in the Northeast as "West Virginia Slim," Aashid distinct to see up his honest-to-god friend, Killen, in Nashville and hit him with the "blu-reggae" construct. "You own to realize," Aashid told Nashville's Metro cartridge holder in 1990, "that he hadn't seen me since around 1967. I had a action and wore pointed toe place and sharkskin suits...that's what he remembered. So I walked into his office in 1979 with dreadlocks and a tie-dyed T-shirt and the whole thing just freaked him out!" Killen apprehended the music merely told Aashid that he'd never do anything with it in Nashville. Aashid distinct to appease in the city, forming Afrikan Dreamland with percussionists Darrell Rose and Mustafa Abdul-Aleem. Between 1980-1987 the isthmus would record six-spot albums and produce a long-form video recording, becoming the first-class honours degree reggae band to have airplay on MTV. Aashid would likewise record his first base solo album, Kosmik Gypsy, during this time. A intimately fatal bout with pneumonia in 1987 forced Aashid to get off the road, effectively breaking up the band salve for special performances.All over the side by side tenner, Aashid would follow up on a number of musical projects, including Aashid & the New Dream with Giles Reaves and Kirby Shelstad. He would record his first album of newfangled age "space music," Black Holiness, in 1988 and participated in deuce Mind Orbit multimedia events with the band Akasha, which likewise included Reaves and Shelstad. In 1995, Aashid recorded the challenging two-CD project The Leaders under the Afrikan Dreamland nominate with contributions from onetime bandmates Rose and Abdul-Aleem as well as members of the New Dream; brothers Mike, Paul, and Jamie from Nashville rock band Simmons; and multi-instrumentalist Tony Gerber. In 1998, Aashid formed a band to experiment with body politic vapors and Appalachian-inspired hillbilly music, cathartic Mountain Soul, a collection of original and traditional tunes, with brothers Victor Wooten and Reggie Wooten, Giles Reaves, and Tramp of Bonepony. The externalize proven to be popular, ahead to a live 1999 album, West Virginia Hills, recorded with the Mountain Soul Band, which featured Reaves, Gerber, Shelstad, Tramp, and Jody Lentz. At the close of the century, Aashid would dig deeper into the space music genre, recording numerous solo and band albums with collaborators like Reaves, Shelstad, and Gerber under band name calling wish Sons of Akasha and Pyramid Underground, about of them released by Gerber's prolific Space for Music label.Well-nigh obscure outside of the Southeast, Aashid Himons has managed to forge a life history that has stretched across five-spot decades. Utilizing raw technology, Aashid records studio albums on an iMac estimator, besides victimisation computer software to blue-pencil his unrecorded digital recordings. Prolific to a fracture, Aashid is one of the to the highest degree popular artists on, where he has samples of his music and offers some deuce xII albums for sale. In his sixties, Aashid continues to create interesting, energetic, and unpredictable music for a little but truehearted audience.

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