Friday 6 June 2008

Nas unveils controversial album cover

For a while, it looked like Nas's forthcoming album was set to join the list of records you really wouldn't fancy asking the grey-haired assistant at Asda if they had in stock (these include Peter Br�tzmann's Nipples, Spinal Tap's Smell the Glove and, er, pretty much anything by Accidental Goat Sodomy). But even though Nasir Jones bowed under pressure and denied us the chance of seeing this stacked alongside the latest Girls Aloud Best of, he's hardly running scared. Which is why the unveiling of the artwork to what is now called simply Nas has caused bloggers like Perez Hilton to comment insightfully on this hard-hitting socio-political message in the following terms: "Wow".

Jones himself says that while the name may have changed, the cover of the upcoming album "says Nigger real loud". It's about as subtle as Richey Manic carving 4 Real into his arm, right? While some artists give away vinyl as magazine cover mounts and others release albums without telling anyone, it's reassuring to know that guerrilla marketing campaigns are no match for a bit of shock and awe.

In fact, Nas seems to be following the example of the Chapman Brothers - whose drawings of daisy chains and smiley faces over Adolf Hitler's paintings are currently on display - than to the founder of his label, Def Jam. Russell Simmons, who launched the label back in 1984, caused a stir last year when he criticised the genre that made him rich, claiming that many traditional hip-hop terms were sexist and/or racist and should be censored. He may not be spinning forthcoming Nas tracks like The Fear (of the Black Mans Dick), Be a Nigger Too, Y'All My Niggers, N.I.G.G.E.R and America's Top Brothel any time soon.

The title is now entirely innocent, making it considerably less difficult when inquiring if it is in stock. All of which means it will make the white folk question four centuries of racial oppression while ensuring that Nas flies off those Wal-Mart shelves slightly quicker. We said "slightly".

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